Education resources
Disaster resilience education (DRE) is learning about natural hazards in the local environment and ways to keep communities safe from harm before, during and after an emergency or disaster.
Children and young people play a critical role in disaster risk reduction, preparedness, response and recovery across all hazards such as floods, fires, heatwaves, droughts, cyclones and storms. With climate change, these events are happening more and more, sometimes one after another or even at the same time.
DRE provides young people with knowledge, skills and understanding to help them take appropriate actions before, during and after an emergency or disaster. DRE is provided in both formal learning settings such as early learning centres and schools and informal learning settings through programs provided by emergency management agencies and other organisations in young people’s networks and communities.
Explore resources for parents and caregivers, educators across early learning, primary and secondary and emergency services developed by AIDR, our partners and our stakeholders. Where applicable the age appropriateness and Australian Curriculum link are highlighted.